
Powderworkers : The Midnight Oil Fan Community

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Raising Money For

Midnight Oil are a band that are right behind the work that Support Act does for music workers, crew, managers and musicians who need support. The Powderworkers believe in Support Act also and are proud to have donated tens of thousands of dollars for this organisation over the years. Hopefully we can do it again. Hope is what you say and do!

5 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Matthew Yau
Team Leader
Christina Berman $10.45
Belinda Cassidy Lee $0.00
Brian Ellis $0.00
Fred Oger $0.00

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Status Updates

Status Update

$20.90 from Jeff Scott

Thank you very much, Jeff! Glad to see you again be on board this AMTD to help Support Act do what they do! You'll be stoked that Peter Garrett is coming back to Perth in February - very tempting from my end! Have a good day. Two tickets coming!

$20.00 from Lynette Freeland

Thanks so much, Lynette! I appreciate your thoughtfulness for those that Support Act assist. It was great seeing you at John & Irene's gig the other month. Hopefully I'll catch you at Boat to Goat in Jan. Have a good weekend. Two tix coming!

$75.00 from Bruce McConnell


Thanks so much, Bru! I am glad you find Support Act a worthy organisation (and one close to Midnight Oil!) to donate to. Your kindness does not go unnoticed. I thank you for your support of the Powderworkers page, mate. Seven tickets coming!

$52.25 from Marty Beveridge

Thanks so much, Marty, for donating to the Powderworkers campaign this AMTD. You know full well the wonderful stuff that Support Act does for others; the Oils also appreciate the compassion from people like you. Have a great day! Five tix coming!

$20.90 from Grant Murray

Your blood is work bottling, Grant! Your kindness as always for those that Support Act do wonderful things for is top shelf. I hope things are well for you up north and getting good weather. Keep enjoying the music of Midnight Oil. Two tix coming!

$52.25 from Phil Stanton

Thank you so much, Phil! It is wonderful that you support this wonderful organisation that's close to Midnight Oil! I hope the Powderworkers meet-up in London will be a success. You will love The Hardest Line, mate. Five tickets coming your way!

$52.25 from Doug Nyman

Get on board!!

Thanks so much, Doug! Glad you had a great time overseas. This donation will do wonders for what Support Act does in their efforts to help struggling Australian musicians, crew and music workers. Have a great day, mate. Five tix coming your way!

$52.25 from Damien Hodgkins

Thanks so much, Damien, for your kindness again towards Support Act. It means a lot to them during this critical time leading into Christmas. The Oils really appreciate what you do, mate. Stay well, mate, and have a good day! Five tix coming!

$52.25 from Sturt McGain

Love being part of the Powder workers!

Hello Stuart! Thanks for helping Support Act at this critical time. It means a lot to the Oils that you're digging deep to help those struggling who are a part of the Australian music industry. Keep enjoying the Powderworkers page. Five tickets!
Donate to Powderworkers : The Midnight Oil Fan Community

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